domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016


Social networks are virtual environments for communication, interaction and the sharing of sources.


FACEBOOK: this is a bidirectional social network. People can publish private and public messages with text, links, news, photos, and videos. Normally in this app, everyone share information about their feelings, opinions or what are they doing.                             

Resultado de imagen de facebook

TWITTER: here, users publish tweets (short text messages) with no more than 140 characters, whis is called microblogging. The relation ships beetwen users can be bidirectional or not. 

Resultado de imagen de twitter
Resultado de imagen de hashtag
A famous function is using hastags to 
follow interesting events or topics.

GOOGLE+: this social network allows users to create circles of friends in order to share information, photos, videos...from public or private communities.

Resultado de imagen de GOOGLE+

Resultado de imagen de hangouts 
Pleople use this instant message application to
connect with each other for audio conversations
and videoconferences


The users of vertical networks form communities who have similar reasons for using this application. These reasons may include:

 *Sharing proffesional information.
Resultado de imagen de linkedin
              LinkedIn is the most popular network for all of professionals.                                

*Sharing general information.
Resultado de imagen de friendfeed
With FriendFeed, people can create private groups to
share information.

  *Sharing photos.    

Resultado de imagen de instagram and flickr
Instagram, Pinterest and Flickr are popular

*Sharing videos.

Resultado de imagen de youtube and vimeo
Vimeo and YouTube are common examples.

*Live streaming: live streaming is a technique for sharing very large audio and video files. After part of the file is downloaded into a temporary storage system, you can start to listen or watch that part, so you don't need to wait for the entire file to download.

Resultado de imagen de twitch and skype
Skype, are often used

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