domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Blogs are a special type of web page. Many blogs are opinion generator about a variety of topics. Other blogs are used as 'online diaries' for people.

Bloggers publish entries in chronological order, with newer posts appearing at the top of the list. People can write a comment with their opinion as well.

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Tumblr, Wordpress and Blogger are some of
the most popular weblogs.

A wiki is a collection of web pages that visitors can edit, modify or expand.
 Adding new content to a wiki page is easy:

Resultado de imagen de pbworks
Other example of wiki
1.-Click in the Edit button.
2.-Write a new contribution.
3.-Click in the Save button.

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An example of wiki


Wikipedia is a universal encyclopedia with no restrictions on use, modification or redistribution. Anyone can contribute their knowledge to this project.
Resultado de imagen de wikipedia


The steps you must follow to make a web page are:
Resultado de imagen de jesucristo pulgar arriba

1.-Register a domain.
2.-Sing up with a host server.
3.-Desing and create your web page.
4.-Upload your page to the server.
5.-Update your page regularly.

To register a domain for your web page, you must choose a name that is not already being used.

Companies such as Arsys and Nominalia offer space on their servers for your web page. Domain registration services may also provide hosting, and web page design companies often include both registration and hosting. Hosting is not free.

Resultado de imagen de nominaliaResultado de imagen de arsys

Designing a web page
These are some steps to desing an attractive web page:

-A tittle that indicates the overall topic of the web page.
-Use a good and rich combination of colours.
-The most attractive web pages have a balanced layout.
-Put hyperlinks, they can be added to images or texts.
-To create visual impact on your web page you can put images, animated gifs, dynamic text formats...
-Use a comment box application.

Creating a web page
You can create a web page with:
-Direct programming:(HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL)
-Using a Content Management System.
-Using a web development program:(Kompozer, Web creator...)
-Using the online hosting services that some pages offer:(Wix, 1&1, Jimdo...)

Resultado de imagen de kompozer logo
development program.
Resultado de imagen de 1&1 logo
online hosting service
that the page offers.