miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017


1. What is the difference between a form of energy and an energy source?
Energy sources are used to generate different forms of energy. For example: we use luminous energy to generate electrical energy.
Resultado de imagen de placas solares

2. Can you name an energy source?
Fossil fuel.

Resultado de imagen de fossil fuel

3. What is a renewable energy source?
Renewable energy come from natural resources but we can't use up completly, and we can get them with special machines.

Resultado de imagen de central eolica

4. Where do oil, gas and coal come from?
They come from fossil fuels, and fossil fuels come from natural resources.

Resultado de imagen de fuel

5. What types of power stations do you know?
Thermal power station, nuclear power station, wind farms, hydroelectric power station, solar power station, biomass power station, marine power station and geothermalpower station.

6. How is electricity transported from a power station to your home?
Energy goes through high voltage lines, that are installed on towers and before that electricity arrive to your home, a substation transformer reduced the power to lover voltages.

7. What do "greenhouse effect" and "acid rain" mean? How are they related to energy production?
⇨Greenhouse effect: When we burn fossil fuels, gases are released into the air. These gases contribute to the greenhouse effect, wich increases the Earth's average temperature.

Resultado de imagen de greenhouse effect

⇨Acid rain: Power stations that burn fossil fuels also release other pollution into the air. These pollutants combine with water vapour in the air to produce acid rain.
Resultado de imagen de acid rain

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