miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017


Energy is the capacity of a body to perform transformations and do works. It is measured in joules (J) and if it takes the form of heat, is measured in calories (cal).

Resultado de imagen de energy

There are many types of energy:
Potential- Energy that is stored and waiting to be used later.
Kinectic-The enrgy of physical movement
Mechanical-The sum of kinetic and potential energy
Sound-The energy of sound waves, wich are produced by vibrations.
Electrical-The product of an electrical current
Nuclear-The energy in the nucleus of an atom
Luminous-Associated with light 
Calorific-Associated with the movement of particles in matter
Chemical-Results from the formation or decomposition of substances.
Electromagnetic-Occurs when electrical currents create magnetic fields.

Resultado de imagen de forms of energy

The power of a machine is the quantity of work that it can do in a certain amount of time. The I.S unit for power is the watt (W). 

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